The land rush of 1889 was a frenzied and dangerous land grab facilitated by the United States Government. A similar event happened with internet domain names a few decades ago. However, there is still significant “land” out there, and a 21st-century parent has to grab a piece of this land for their children.

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As you can see from this post about using Google sheets to grade Quizlet progress, I have ingrained Quizlet into the infrastructure for my human body systems class. I am a massive fan of the automatic feedback and learning that happens with using Quizlet for this vocabulary instruction, and my students frequently comment about how helpful it is.

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You might imagine that I would be a big fan of using novel presentation technologies like Prezi or FlowVella. I am… sometimes… but pretty rarely. Much more frequently I would prefer to use Google Slides or PowerPoint. I also think it is a better idea to teach students how to use these ubiquitous tools rather than have them rely on a flashy and/or proprietary format.

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Once a year, I use a really helpful Siri Shortcut to schedule and plan for a year of meetings.

This shortcut makes calendar events and OmniFocus projects for each of my department meetings, so I am never caught off guard.

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I am a big believer in the helpfulness of digital calendars. Both at home and school, I have detailed schedules marking out all of my temporal obligations for as far out into the future as I can.

My school, like I am sure many others, has a rotation schedule that matches no calendar software on the planet. For many years I was forced to copy and paste each of the four calendar permutations throughout the school year to get my class rotation into my school calendar.

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