Teachers in my building wanted an easy, high-impact way to send positive notes home to parents. I designed and sourced a custom postcard to add this tool to teachers toolbelts. I also saved my school a considerable amount of money over buying this product off the shelf.
I have worked my whole teaching career on making students better presenters. I create opportunities for them to practice these skills in my class whenever possible. The Presentation Reflection assignment is at the core of this practice.
In 2016, I went with two of my co-workers to the PLTW Summit in Indianapolis. We presented 4 sessions and had a great time. This year I am attending/presenting solo and working on my networking skills. This post is a documentation of my experience at the 2017 PLTW Summit.
This year I was given the chance to attend the National Science Teachers Association Conference in Baltimore. I decided to take “notes” and document my days via a blog post.
One of the podcasts you should subscribe to is 99% Invisible. A new episode of 99PI is one of my favorite events of the week! The production quality sets the bar by which I judge all other podcasts (most are found wanting), and the stories they tell are compelling. Every episode is a no regret, automatic listen. You can listen to one of my favorite recent episodes below:
BAHS Good News Postcards
Teachers in my building wanted an easy, high-impact way to send positive notes home to parents. I designed and sourced a custom postcard to add this tool to teachers toolbelts. I also saved my school a considerable amount of money over buying this product off the shelf.
Read moreStudent Presentation Reflections
I have worked my whole teaching career on making students better presenters. I create opportunities for them to practice these skills in my class whenever possible. The Presentation Reflection assignment is at the core of this practice.
Read more2017 PLTW Summit
In 2016, I went with two of my co-workers to the PLTW Summit in Indianapolis. We presented 4 sessions and had a great time. This year I am attending/presenting solo and working on my networking skills. This post is a documentation of my experience at the 2017 PLTW Summit.
Read moreNSTA Conference- Baltimore
This year I was given the chance to attend the National Science Teachers Association Conference in Baltimore. I decided to take “notes” and document my days via a blog post.
Read more99% Invisible
I have talked before about my love of podcasts and the app I use to listen to them. I highly suggest you listen to podcasts and use Overcast to listen to them.
One of the podcasts you should subscribe to is 99% Invisible. A new episode of 99PI is one of my favorite events of the week! The production quality sets the bar by which I judge all other podcasts (most are found wanting), and the stories they tell are compelling. Every episode is a no regret, automatic listen. You can listen to one of my favorite recent episodes below:
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