Because of some structural changes at my work, my team was moved to a different department. This new department is full of subject matter experts who are very good at their technical work; however, they do not have much skill in transferring this knowledge to others.

Enter my team!

This week I had to work with one of these experts to prioritize a list of projects she wanted us to work on. As part of the preparation for this meeting, I decided to articulate my method for prioritizing training creation. She found the visual I made very helpful, so I figured I would share it here and explain my thought process.

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Surprisingly, no one I have ever worked with has canceled a meeting unless there was a significant attendance issue. Meetings have inertia that people seem afraid to impede as if the default position of the working universe is to have meetings.

I argue that the opposite is true.

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Spear phishing is when you get a researched, prepared, and targeted email specifically crafted to fool you, the addressee. This is not a Nigerian prince type email; this is a focused attack by an artist. Receiving one is a bad sign. It means a bad person has taken significant time out of multiple days to ruin yours. They will typically impersonate someone important and either scare or entice you into clicking on a malicious link or attachment.

On September 6th, 2022, I thought I was under just this type of digital attack.

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This is the podcast I like the most but have the worst sale pitch for.

If you like hearing two late-middle-aged white guys talk about parenting, life, work, and technology, this is the show for you!

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One of my biggest pet peeves of traveling is the night I get home, and I have to plug in my phone and watch on my nightstand. The cables are in my suitcase somewhere, and now I have to go hunting for them, and I just want to get to sleep,

That is, until a few months ago.

I finally had enough and purchased all the cables, chargers, and accessories I would need to travel. No more worrying about packing what I need or cannibalizing my nightstand before the trip. It has had an outsized impact on my travel experience, and I regret not doing it sooner.

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