A cool creator is someone (or a group) who is out in the world making cool stuff. These people inspire and educate me.

Rosemary Orchard, writing for The Sweet Setup:

Drafts is much more than a quick way to take a quick note and has become the app I go to for all my writing because it’s easy, simple, but still powerful when I need more features.

Rosemary Orchard is rapidly becoming one of my technology/productivity idols. I first learned about her on her podcast The Automators, and I have since kept an eye on as much of her work as I can. I started using Drafts 5 (an iOS/macOS text editor) based on her rave reviews, and her post on The Sweet Setup is an excellent explanation of the app.

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If you, like me, have an HBO subscription only while GoT is on, you might have missed Silicon Valley.

Get your money’s worth out of your HBO subscription and fill the void between Sundays by checking out this hilarious and tech nerdy show.

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Years ago I found the Wisita Learning Library and my video production knowledge and skills increase many times over. If you need to make a video for anything, and you want it to be good, look around at the resources available from Wistia. Particularly The Beginner’s Guide to Video Production.

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Seth Godin is a prolific author in the marketing/business world. I have always enjoyed listening to interviews with him and have several of his audiobooks. I can’t believe that I have not been reading his blog.

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I just started listening to the Cult of Pedagogy podcast. This episode about mastery learning is a strong start to the show and gives me hope that I might have found an educational podcast that is actually good!

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