Pomodoro Technique for Students
To help students be successful in my self-paced HBS class I have a tutorial that they must complete. The tutorial teaches them a variety of technologies and metacognitive strategies to help them be successful learners. Here is the objective where I teach them about the Pomodoro Technique:
- Take Cornell style notes while watching the video above.
- Optionally, learn more about the Pomodoro Technique by reading this College Info Geek post.
Applications to Class
- During virtually every class, there will be at least one block of time for you to work productively. It is expected that these times are respected and used intelligently.
- By using the Pomodoro Technique to attack your to-do list and focus your work sessions, you can use your brain to the best of its ability.
I find the pomodoro technique really great for helping my productivity but lots of the timers online are quite dated. I made this simple timer and focused on keeping things minimalist. https://pomodorotimer.io/ Hope you like it and would love to know your thoughts!
Hello Marcus, your web site looks very clean and like it would be a helpful resource for someone to try out the Promodoro Technique!