Tag Archive for: automation

Octobers are busy for me. Not only are there a ton of fall family adventures, but several annual school projects are active in the time of pumpkin-flavored beers as well.

Additionally, I get inundated with requests from students for letters of recommendation.

This post has resources to help you automate tedious (but important) tasks; so you can focus on what matters and what you have to do.

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I like automating because it is like a puzzle; it’s a fun thing for my brain to work on, and I get a rush of satisfaction when I get it to work. But I love automating because it helps me live up to the plans I made, even if I am feeling lazy. This automation helps me keep my OmniFocus tasks organized the way that helps me get things done.

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I have recently been going through my “read later” list. You know those articles you see on Twitter or Reddit and think, “Oh neat, I should read this… later” so you save it, but then never read? Same!

Recently I have been auditing that list and reading the ones that still look interesting. This post from TheMuse.com, 11 Habits You Should Definitely Steal From Ultra-Productive People was a great find!

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As I said before, Drafts is a deceptively simple but absurdly powerful app. Because of this, it is a slow burn. Even as a daily user and advocate for Drafts I did not really unlock the true power of the app until this past summer.

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I think email is one of those things I and my fellow millennials were supposed to kill, or maybe hate; I’m not sure what my generation’s official stance is supposed to be, but I kind of like email.

I came to this conclusion over time, after spending a considerable effort in making my email experience pleasant and functional. In this post, I want to show you some of the ways that I have done that and why.

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